Becky Chung

Becky Chung
Senior at Claremont McKenna majoring in government and history

I am a senior at Claremont McKenna College studying government and history. I was interested in the class Gender and Sexuality in Latin America because I am conducting my senior thesis on the history of lesbian activism during the AIDS epidemic. I am interested in better understanding the perspectives of gender and sexuality and I had never taken a history class on Latin America.

This class has introduced theoretical perspectives that have been really helpful in helping me better understand the concepts of sexuality and gender in different historical periods. I am interested in trans history, particularly in understanding the ways it has been erased in archives and by contemporary historians


Cuba’s Complicated Relationship with Trans Rights

Cuba claims to offer free gender affirmation surgery to its citizens and elected a trans woman to office in 2013. Lived experiences of trans people in Cuba do not confirm...

From the Colonial Past to the Present: The Third Gender in Latin American Cultures

Indigenous communities in Oaxaca have histories of gender fluidity that date back before colonialism in Mexico and have continued to support third gender identities in the present.

Erasure of Trans Men in Colonial Cuba: The Story of Enrique Favez

Enrique Favez, a doctor in Cuba, was the subject of one of the most scandalous trials in colonial Cuba for living and identifying as a man.