Carson Herness

Carson Herness
Computer Science major at Harvey Mudd College

I am a junior computer science major at Harvey Mudd College. In Fall 2019, I studied abroad in Quito, Ecuador to study Spanish. While in Quito, I worked with an organization called Proyecto Transgénero, which supports sex workers, trans people, and other queer populations in Quito and Ecuador through legal advocacy, social groups, support groups, and protests and marches. I principally worked with La Fraternidad Transmasculina (the transmasculine fraternity), where I helped with programming, translation of materials, and research. For my semester project, I researched the transmasculine transition in Ecuador by interviewing local trans men and people who work with local trans men, and by reading existing scholarship.

In Spring 2020, I enrolled in the class Gender and Sexuality in Latin America so that I could learn more about gender and sexuality in other countries in Latin America besides Ecuador, and I wanted to gain a historical context for contemporary trans issues. Throughout the course, I have also gained skills for studying gender in history. In this blog, I hope to help scholars studying contemporary trans issues by providing context and sources for future research.


Impact of COVID-19 on Trans People in Latin America

COVID-19 has had unique impacts on transgender people, from social distancing policies that are based on gender to health care discrimination that transgender people face when seeking medical care for...

Non-binary language in Spanish

How does non-binary language work in Spanish? Is non-binary Spanish only used in select circles, or has it been widely adopted?

Changing Legal Name and Sex/Gender in Latin America

Being able to legally change one’s legal name and gender can be key for trans people, and many laws have rapidly changed in the last few years, especially in South...