Vi Nguyen

Vi Nguyen
Junior studying Government and History at Claremont McKenna College

I am a junior at Claremont McKenna College studying History and Government. I decided to take the course “Gender and Sexuality in Latin America” because I have always been interested in Latin American History and wanted to look at the continent’s culture through a different lens. By studying history, I have discovered the importance of focusing in on an area of study to discover more about the overarching histories. Through this course, I have been amazed by the connections between the political history of Latin America and the gender and sexuality norms. It has been a great opportunity for me to grow as a historian and develop an open perspective when reading LGBTQI scholarship. I find myself thinking back to this class when reading my other history coursework and contemplating, “who wrote this and why does that matter?”

I was drawn to the subject of Latin American Trans histories because I noticed a lack of scholarship and saw an opportunity to genuinely make an impact for communities of interested scholars and activists. When writing my blog posts, I felt that I was giving a voice to a person/ group of people who are ignored in history. I was constantly surprised by what conclusions my findings led me to. Throughout my research, I would be set on my assumed interpretation of trans history until I found a contradiction in the scholarship. My experience underscores the difficulty in trans research because of the lack of scholarship which leads to less authentic trans perspectives. To address this issue, I found that documentaries, interviews, diaries, and forms of primary sources would allow me to understand trans identities and properly interpret the historical significance.

When people read my blogs I hope they can make their own discoveries about trans histories and either support or critique the perspectives I’ve documented and transform political discourse to include all sorts of identities.


How Latin American Online Activism Works

Online activism exponentially increases the coalition of marginalized communities and allows individuals to communicate with millions of other similar minded people. Platforms can be social media networks, blogs, phones, online...

The Historical Misinterpretation of Kátia Tapety

In the process of democratization in Brazil, Gay, Lesbian and Trans activists came together and sought representation in the political agenda. Political scholars are quick to minimize the work of...

The Unexpected Truth of Brazil's Progressive Carnival

At first glance, Brazil’s religious festival, Carnival, seems to be a display of the country’s sexual liberation and acceptance of cross-dressing. However, an in depth analysis of the festival underscores...